Swagols are harmless creatures indigenousness to Muffinlandia and surrounding planets, Swagols have moved to other planets do to the wide love of them as pets throughout the universe. They are the most common house pets in the Muffinlands.
The Cutest Animal?Although not technically accurate swagols are commonly known as "The Cutest Animal". They are covered with fluff from head to toe and are the size of a chicken. They are comparable in shape to velociraptors but don't contain the same claws or aggressive behavior. The swagols eyes are the quite large when compared to the rest of they're body but ironically swagols have terrible sight and are know for running into things constantly, most notably walls. Swagols are very protective of a master after they have time to bond and become accustomed and will protect that master under any circumstances, however swagols have no claws, large teeth (They have small sharp ones that don't reach past they're fluff) or otherwise offensive weapons so they have been known to sit on predators as an attempt to suffocate them. Swagols look something like a fluffy do-do bird when young (young swagols are also known as swegos.)
Positive Effects of Swagols Besides the joy and entertainment of Muffinlandiani swagols have been linked to other positive effects on on the brain and are recomended to paitence dealing with psycological issues and depression. It is prooven people owning atleast one swagol are 50-55% less likely to deal with these issues do to the swagols natural calming presence. Poeple all around the Muffinlands are encouraged to own a swagol for this reason.
Well Known Swagols As was said above both Tworlasi have swagols and name them after American Presidents. Tworlas Gabe has one called George Washington and Tworlas Zach called his Abraham Lincoln. Morgan Freeman named his Obamo and Jimmy Krouton has his well known Swagol Franklin.
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Planets of Origin Swagols first came from the Galaxy of Muffinlandia and were indigious to parts of all included planets, Krouton, Synsire, Rendif, and expseically Muffinlandia itself. Once Rendif began millitary excersizes after completion of 'The Great CupCace War' Swagols and other animals on the planet were dubbed in danger of animal rights abuses and Rendif began shipping the Swagols to nearby planets. This Began The Swagol Revolution. As more and more Swagols began flooding planets the Tworlasi had to figure out what to do with them. They decided to take a swagol in as a pet and and found them to be quite entertaining, many citizens followed they're lead in the planets that had swagols and the planets that didn't have them demanded they be sent there. It was a win/win, make the citizens happy while dealing with swagol over population.